- 在不影响现金流的情况下让员工提高生产力?
- 如何设计员工利润分享方案而不用担心现金流问题。
- 如何开发一个让员工满意的公平奖励系统。
关键绩效指标 (KPI) 已经存在很长时间,并且是华为、阿里巴巴和腾讯等公司的不可或缺的工具。然而,许多公司错误地设置了他们的KPI,导致了很多挫折——公司的目标没有实现,员工未能达到管理层的目标,奖金分配不公平导致员工流失等等!
Wilson Ten,经验丰富的KPI培训师、教练和顾问(也被称为KPI之王)将向您展示为什么KPI在企业中失败,并解释如何正确地设定KPI。Wilson还将分享如何使用正确的KPI和技术来更好地为企业做好准备。
- 什么是现金利润
- 什么是分配比例
- 什么是按等级制定的薪酬方案
- 如何使用KPI计算因子
- 如何进行游戏化
- 将您的团队生产力提升三倍以上
- 通过清晰的愿景释放团队的全部潜力!
- 一个易学易用的系统!

Mr. Wilson Ten
KPI Coach
- Founder & CEO of SandFil International
- More than 18 years of industry experience
- Australia-Certified Performance Management Professional
- British-Certified Leadership Development (British Association for Coaching and LEDA Coaching Systems UK)
- Coached companies with 10 employees up to a yearly turnover of few hundred millions
- Interviewed by BFM on Performance Management
- Interviewed by Capital TV on Performance Management
- Invited to speak at Chinese Chamber of Commerce on performance management
- HR Committee in Federation of Manufacturing Malaysia
- Resource speaker for Vistage Malaysia on Performance Management
- Experience in implementing performance management solutions for multinational corporations and public listed companies in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand
- Trained thousands of people in SME industry on performance management
- Hands-on in-house experience for performance management for hundreds of SME in Malaysia.
- Featured in British Publishing House’s Encyclopaedia of Malaysia Successful People (2nd edition)
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2024年 6月 20日
02.00pm - 04.00pm
GASPACE, Hilltop, Above Foo Phing Restaurant