26th January 2024 (Friday)
03.00pm - 05.00pm
GASPACE Coworking Space, Hilltop, Kota Kinabalu.
When leaders manage the fast pace changing world, there is a danger that leaders will create a sense of certainty that doesn’t exist. 🏢 Companies wandering around without a charity of where they are going making things complex and achieve little.
After the pandemic, most businesses fail to keep up to the 📉 market transformation to stay competitive by redefine their unique value, core customer and price correctly.
Inefficient execution leads to inefficiency and rising the cost of doing business and hence leading to the lack of resource to re-invest and re-innovate the business to survive.
26th January 2024
03.00pm - 05.00pm
GASPACE Coworking Space, Hilltop, Kota Kinabalu.
Lot 1-1-6, 1st Floor, Block B, Kolam Centre Phase 2, Hilltop, Luyang, Jalan Lintas, Kota Kinabalu, 88300 Sabah, Malaysia.