Topics Covered

Marketing 4.0

27th April (Monday)
2pm - 3pm

  • Understand the evolution of marketing and its elements.
  • Evaluate and discover your organization’s state of marketing.
  • Gain understanding of the concept of Marketing 4.0 – transitioning from Traditional to Digital​
  • Explore Buyer Persona and how to create.

5 Keys To A Successful Facebook Marketing Strategy

28th April (Tuesday)
11am - 12pm

  • Understanding of the importance of Facebook Marketing​
  • Learn the 5 key elements to a Successful  Facebook Marketing Strategy​
  • Importance of brand positioning and social presence​
  • Must-do activities when you want to close sales online​

The 6 Dimensions To Digital Business Transformation

29th April (Wednesday)
2pm - 3pm

  • Gain clarity of what it entails in the digital transformation process
  • Learn the 6 dimensions to digital transformation
  • Assess your organization’s readiness for digital transformation
  • Create a strategy towards your organization’s competitive edge.

The Digital Workplace

30th April (Thursday)
2pm - 3pm

  • Learn and appreciate the digital workplace framework
  • Establish your communication and collaboration channels
  • Explore the digital workplace toolbox
  • Learn to setup your digital workplace policies.


Further Inquiries

Vivian (010-959 6230)
William (016-849 5729)