Want to scale...
but have no idea where to begin?

Nak Scale...tapi kena tidak tahu di mana untuk bermula?

Does it feel like scaling your company forward creates more problems than solutions?
Are you looking to enter that next stage of growth but need a proven plan to get there?

Adakah rasanya memajukan syarikat anda ke hadapan mencipta lebih banyak masalah daripada penyelesaian?
Adakah anda ingin memasuki peringkat pertumbuhan seterusnya tetapi memerlukan rancangan yang terbukti untuk sampai ke sana?

Growth companies that apply and embrace the Scaling Up tools can expect to achieve 2x times more cash flow, 3x industry profitability, valuation increase relative tp competition, more time for the right things and enjoying the climb to success!

Syarikat pertumbuhan yang menggunakan dan menerima alatan Scaling Up boleh menjangkakan untuk mencapai aliran tunai 2x kali ganda, keuntungan industri 3x, peningkatan penilaian tetapi persaingan, lebih banyak masa untuk perkara yang betul dan menikmati pendakian untuk kejayaan!

If following sounds like you: / Jika perkara berikut menggambarkan diri anda:

Here is what you will learn:


Recruitment, on boarding, coaching & culture: Designing the employee journey.


Purpose, core customer, brand promise & identifying the company culture.


Systems, processes & accountability through current technologies.


Cash flow, margins, key performance indicators & efficiencies.

Here is what you will learn:

70,000 organizations across 6 continents to successfully scale up and dominate their industries.

70,000 organisasi di 6 benua berjaya meningkatkan dan menguasai industri mereka.


CEO & Author of Scaling Up

Verne Harnish is the founder and CEO of Scaling Up, a global executive education and coaching company with over 200 partners on six continents. He’s spent the past three decades helping companies scaleup. Verne is also the founder of the world-renowned Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), with over 16,000 members worldwide. Additionally, Harnish is the author of bestsellers Mastering the Rockefeller Habits, The Greatest Business Decisions of All Times for which Jim Collins wrote the foreword, and Scaling Up (Rockefeller Habits 2.0), which has won eight major international book awards including the prestigious International Book Award for Best General Business book.


Scaling Up Certified Coach 


Gallup – Certified Strengths Coach
Scaling Up – Certified Coach
StoryBrand – Certified Story Brand Guide
Business Made Simple – Certified Coach
Flow Research Collective – Flow Trainer
Lifebook (Mindvalley) – Certified Lifebook Leader
Kolbe Corp – Kolbe Certified Consultant
ExO – Certified Consultant, Sprint Coach and Trainer
Institut Teknologi Bandung – Executive Master of Business Administration
Singapore Institute of Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Business Administration and Management

More about him:

As the founder of Circularity Coach and a visionary entrepreneur himself, Maxim helps leaders and visionaries execute brilliant ideas to fruition. His passion lies in helping leaders discover and accomplish their purpose by helping them rationalize their decisions, cheering them on for every step of the way, and building action plans to overcome adversity.

He utilizes the knowledge and experience he has gained from running his own multi-million dollar businesses and coaching his team to help entrepreneurs build purpose-led businesses, solid teams, and an impactful legacy to be proud of.

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and management, Maxim drove positive change within his family business. Under his leadership as CEO , he spearheaded the complete rebranding of his company and successfully drove positive change. His success can be attributed towards his bold move to invest in personal and team development while coaching his staff himself.

Through this, he discovered his passion in coaching. He finds joy in sharing and implementing knowledge that can create a positive and lasting impact for people. Since then, Maxim’s main purpose is to expand his impact. He does this by helping other visionary entrepreneurs grow their business and people, so they can accomplish their vision.

Meet your Speaker!

Seminar Details

Maklumat Seminar

15th November

2024 (Friday)

09.30am - 12.30pm


Hilltop Lintas
(Above Foo Phing Restaurant)


(Terhad kepada 50 orang pertama)

What our CEO alumni have to say about Scaling Up:

Apa kata alumni CEO kami mengenai Scaling Up:

This is a game-changer for...

Leadership Teams new to Scaling Up who want to get a significant jump-start in implementing the tools and techniques.

CEOs with new team members that they want to get up-to-speed and spend quality time integrating onto the team.

Experienced leadership teams desiring to review, fine-tune, and advance their implementation of Scaling Up.

CEOs who want to run their companies like a professional sports team, not a family.

CEOs looking to strengthen relationships with the leadership of customers/key suppliers.

Contact us!

Contact us for more infomation! / Hubungi kami untuk maklumat lanjut!

Ms. Sandra

Ms. Melody

Mr. Wei Xiang