What you can expect from this courtesy call? 

  1. Networking and Collaboration: Establish connections and build relationships with key stakeholders, fostering potential collaborations and partnerships.


  2. Access to Information: Gain insights into CGC Malaysia’s programs, initiatives, and support mechanisms for SMEs, including funding options and credit guarantee schemes.


  3. Enhanced Support for SMEs: Contribute to the development of tailored support programs and policies that address the specific needs of SMEs in Sabah.


  4. Opportunities for Funding and Assistance: Learn about financial support available through CGC Malaysia, enabling SMEs to access affordable financing and mitigate risks.


  5. Advocacy and Representation: Voice concerns, propose improvements, and advocate for policies that promote SME growth in Sabah.


  6. Knowledge Exchange and Learning: Share best practices, learn from the experiences of other cities, and identify innovative approaches to benefit your city’s SME ecosystem.

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