
The Vistage Membership

Better leaders.
Better decisions.

Better results.

Vistage Powers Performance

Why over 30,000 CEOs & Entrepreneurs joined Vistage

Our Approach

Executive coaching alone can’t compete with Vistage’s proven approach to leadership development.  No one else offers a more comprehensive method for making better decisions, getting better results and becoming a better leader. Our comprehensive platform for success features three core elements: valuable perspectives from a trusted group of peers, professional guidance from an accomplished business leader (Chair), and deep insights from subject matter experts. It’s a proven approach that helps member companies grow 2.2x faster than non-member companies of similar size. For more than 60 years, top executives and owners of small and midsized businesses have relied on our unique coaching model to be better leaders, make better decisions and get better results.

It starts with the group

1. It starts with the group

At the heart of the Vistage experience is the confidential peer advisory group. Once a month, you meet to work through challenges and opportunities with 8-16 high-caliber executives from non-competing organizations. These peers can help you vet solutions in ways your subordinates cannot.


2. An accomplished business leader facilitates.

An executive mentor (Chair) guides group discussions using a proven framework for processing issues and keeping discussions focused. Your Chair also meets with you for one-to-one executive coaching to dive deeper into your challenges and opportunities.

An accomplished business leader facilitates.

3. Thought leaders challenge your thinking.

Learn from world-class speakers at workshops, regional events and boot camps. They’ll spark innovative approaches to optimizing your business and activate new ideas for personal development.

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4. A global network supports.

Connect with business leaders around the world for real-time advice, referrals and troubleshooting through our online networks. Choose from 22 networks based on industry or special interests.
Thought leaders challenge your thinking.

5. Events motivate, inform and inspire.

Come together for large-scale and intimate exclusive events to access the experience, wisdom, and insights of your business peers. They are also great opportunities to grow your network with like-minded high achievers.

Vistage Member Programs

Whether you’re looking for inspiring discussions with other successful executives, considering how business advisory groups in your organization can impact your business, or want the benefits of an online community over 45,000-strong, Vistage has the right solution.

We’ll Recommend a Business Peer Group that Matches Your Profile and Your Business Objectives

Vistage is the world’s leading peer advisory membership organization. Learn why we are much more than just a business consulting or executive coaching service.

Chief Executive

Connect with up to 16 executive peers from a diverse range of non-competitive businesses and backgrounds in this one of a kind peer advisory and executive leadership development program. Harness the power of a group of fellow executives all driven to do the best for themselves and their peers.

Emerging Entrepreneur

Designed exclusively for results-driven small business leaders, the Vistage Emerging Entrepreneur Program provides you with the specific insights, strategies and leadership development you need to achieve better results and fast-track your growing company.

Key Executive

Developed to help results-driven key executives build leadership skills and bring even more to the table, the Vistage Key Executive Program empowers you to become a stronger asset to your CEO and team. Peer perspectives, expert insights and coaching provide you with the knowledge, strategic thinking and confidence to help you play an even stronger supporting role in your company’s future.

Our members at the glance

Kenny Shiau

Sounds Tech Production Sdn Bhd

“Vistage is designed exclusively for results-driven small business leaders.”

Billy Lim

Aluminium YS Sdn Bhd

“Vistage help to improved my decision making.” 

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Timothy Teo

Borneo Eco Tours Sdn Bhd

“Vistage help my business to grow bigger.”


Quality Confinement Home Sdn Bhd

“Make better decisions.”


Yeo Hock Hian

Bornion Timber Sdn Bhd

“Improve judgment and expand perspectives to solve most complex challenges.”

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Amy Liaw Sze Nee

Hag Store Sdn Bhd

“Become a better leader.”

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Yong Wei Hau

Fajar Timber Sdn Bhd

“Learning from others, observing, listening, and asking questions to people who inspire you.”

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Yong Ket Tai

TSK Engineering Services Sdn Bhd

” Enables you to develop and expand your leadership skill.

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Andrew Sim Yee Sheng

Onaki Sdn Bhd

Learn and find new strategy to grow business.”

Vistage Membership

Take your success to a new level. Join a powerful community of high-caliber executives who challenge each other, inspire each other and share their perspectives to help each other make better decisions, become leaders and achieve better results.

Ready to succeed at a whole new level?

Find out why our members rely on their peer advisory groups to help them make critical decisions, face their greatest challenges and explore their biggest opportunities.

For further enquires:

Vivian 010 959 6230 | Ereney 019 312 9921



Chief Executive Program

For your most critical decisions

Successful leaders combine good business sense with inspiration, guidance and unwavering authority. The Vistage Chief Executive Program creates a unique environment that provides each member with the individual insight, coaching, strategies and leadership skills needed to achieve better decisions and results for their company.

Program Features Include:

  • Monthly problem-solving peer group meetings consisting of CEOs, executives, presidents or business owners
  • Professional facilitating by a seasoned Vistage Chair
  • Monthly, personal executive coaching sessions
  • Up to 6 resource session a year led by a Vistage expert speaker
  • Access to an online best practices library, member conferences and a network of more than 30,000 global business leaders

Recharge Your Thinking

New approaches, forward-thinking, and fresh perspectives keep your business on the front lines of growth and development. Be inspired to challenge conventional thinking, confront problems head-on and put groundbreaking ideas into action with confidence.

Learn from Fellow CEO

Get feedback on your toughest decisions from the chief executive’s most effective sounding board — fellow executives who have met and overcome the same challenges. The Chief Executive Program answers your questions and, more importantly, questions your answers until you’re certain you’ve got it right.

Count on Trusted, Confidential Advice

Who do you turn to for honest, straightforward advice with no hidden agenda? Vistage members and business coaches help you determine what will and won’t work. They help you dig deeper to find new opportunities, and they hold you accountable for taking action. Vistage private business advisory boards help you build that circle of trusted advisors whose only agenda is to help you succeed.

Seize Opportunities for Results Now

The Vistage Chief Executive program is about continuously developing your leadership skills and driving real results in real time. No theoretical business school scenarios — instead, you get continuous, accelerated, practical executive coaching and peer perspective that you can immediately put into practice. Start making smarter decisions that produce better results.

Designed for the challenges of chief executives.


You’re surrounded by stakeholders with competing agendas, and you make all decisions without the benefit of unbiased advice.


Get your decisions vetted by an ideal sounding board – an objective, experienced peer group who will offer unbiased advice in a confidential environment.


You’re concerned your current culture may be having a negative impact on business.


Learn best practices on building an empowered, results-driven team. Find and fix blind spots to enhance your leadership ability.


You’re concerned your current culture may be having a negative impact on business.


Get access to models of success and expert advice to help you retool your long-term strategy without sacrificing current performance.


You’re seeking guidance on how to fuel the next stage of growth.


Gain fresh perspectives on complex issues to optimize business decisions and results.

Emerging Entrepreneur Program

Shift from urgent to strategic.

Designed exclusively for results-driven small business leaders, the Vistage Emerging Entrepreneur Program provides you with the specific insights, strategies and leadership development you need to achieve better results and fast-track your growing company.

Emerging Entrepreneur Program

Imagine the power of leveraging the experience of other small business leaders with a diverse range of industries and backgrounds in a private and intimate setting. No fluff, just real issues and real results.

Program Features Include:

  • Problem-solving sessions with a peer team of chief executives, presidents and business owners
  • Monthly in-person leadership coaching session with a Vistage Chair, an unparalleled resource for the small business owner
  • Professionally facilitated peer groups with a seasoned Vistage Chair
  • Up to 4 annual resource session led by Vistage expert speakers
  • Connectivity resources, including an online best practices library, webinars and member conferences
  • Access to the Vistage global community of more than 30,000 business leaders

Take a Fresh Look

Innovative ideas and creative approaches are critical to helping small businesses overcome fierce competition, modest budgets and unexpected issues. Get the management consulting expertise to tackle challenges head on, break through restraints and put groundbreaking small business consulting ideas into action with confidence – ultimately improving your decisions and business results.

Learn from Small Medium Business Peers

Get feedback on your toughest decisions from the small medium business (SME) leader’s most effective sounding board – fellow leaders who have met and overcome the same challenges. The Emerging Entrepreneur Progam provides you with information, perspective, and sound advice to see beyond the day-to-day operations and focus on what’s truly critical – the strategic decisions that will grow your business.

Designed for the challenges of chief executives.


You currently make all of the big decisions on your own and you worry that you may be missing something.


Get unbiased, confidential advice from a group of your peers who have faced similar challenges.


You occupy so many roles that you’re in danger of burnout.


Learn from seasoned executives how to create worklife balance by putting leadership and processes in place for seamless operations


You’re mired in day-to-day business operations and haven’t been able to stay ahead of trends.


Connect directly with experts for personalized advice to help you focus on the strategic decisions that will lead to long-term growth.


You haven’t been able to secure necessary resources to fuel growth.


Gain fresh perspectives and insights from other entrepreneurs on how they’ve successfully financed their companies’ growth.

Key Executive Program

Shift from urgent to strategic.

Developed to help results-driven key executives build leadership skills and bring even more to the table, the Vistage Key Executive Program empowers you to become a stronger asset to your CEO and team. Peer perspectives, expert insights and coaching provide you with the knowledge, strategic thinking and confidence to help you play an even stronger supporting role in your company’s future.

Key Executive Program

Connect with up to 16 executive peers from a diverse range of businesses and backgrounds in your Key Executive Coaching Program for challenging discussions, fresh perspectives on the key executive role, and strategies to create closer alignment with your CEO.

Program Benefits include:
  • Monthly, executive peer group meetings led by a professional Vistage Chair
  • Up to 6 annual resource session led by Vistage expert speakers
  • Connectivity resources, including an online best practices library, webinars and member conferences
  • Access to the Vistage global community of more than 30,000 business leaders

Recharge Your Thinking

Diverse points of view and innovative approaches enable key executives to take a more prominent leadership position and help drive results. You’ll literally redefine your role as a highly confident leader who fearlessly steps up to the plate and makes better decisions and achieves better results. You’ll gain the insight and the authority to put your ideas into action.

Learn from Fellow Executives

Get feedback on your toughest decisions from fellow executives who have met and overcome the same challenges. The Key Program provides you with the information and confidence to move beyond day-to-day responsibilities and focus on being a leader.

Count on Trusted, Confidential Advice

Who do you turn to for objective advice with no hidden agenda? Vistage members and business coaches give you solid feedback, help you see new opportunities, and hold you accountable for taking action. The Key Program builds that circle of trusted advisors whose only agenda is helping you succeed.

Seize Opportunities for Results Now

Now more than ever, CEOs are looking to their key executives to help drive results. This business executive coaching program gives you continuous, accelerated, practical perspectives and leadership concepts that you can put into practice immediately. Start making the decisions that get better results right now.

Designed for the challenges of chief executives.


You currently make all of the big decisions on your own and you worry that you may be missing something.


Get unbiased, confidential advice from a group of your peers who have faced similar challenges.


You occupy so many roles that you’re in danger of burnout.


Learn from seasoned executives how to create worklife balance by putting leadership and processes in place for seamless operations


You’re mired in day-to-day business operations and haven’t been able to stay ahead of trends.


Connect directly with experts for personalized advice to help you focus on the strategic decisions that will lead to long-term growth.


You haven’t been able to secure necessary resources to fuel growth.


Gain fresh perspectives and insights from other entrepreneurs on how they’ve successfully financed their companies’ growth.



Any questions? Talk to us today!

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